Top tips for feeling good


  • Connect… with others. Make sure you spend time with family or friends and don’t cut yourself off.
  • Be active… take some exercise. Whether it’s running, cycling, walking, dancing or football exercise can help beat the blues.
  • Be curious… take notice. Stop and take notice of the world around you whether it’s the sunset or the shape of the clouds. Being curious about the world can help to stop you thinking negative thoughts and lift your spirits.
  • Try something new… have a go. Whether it’s having a hobby, joining a youth club or learning a musical instrument doing something different can improve your skills and confidence.
  • Give… do something for others. This could be anything from volunteering your time to having a smile and saying thank you to the harassed bus driver in the morning. Things like this can help you feel positive and proud of yourself but also mean that you are making positive connections with others.


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