We Tell You

The We Tell You Research Project is a Manchester city wide project funded by Manchester Equalities Fund and aims to hear the voices of 500 young black men over the next two years 2014 – 2016.

The We Tell You project is interested in hearing the opinions and experiences of young black males between the ages of 13 – 26, to get a better understanding of their lives and their real needs. Your views will be collated into a final report which will be used to improve future mental health services for local communities.

Fix Up!

The We Tell You Project runs focus groups, fun workshops and informal one to one sessions with our community researchers in services and organisations throughout Manchester. We encourage discussions with young men about wellbeing, mental health and identifying what they believe are the main causes of modern stresses or pressures. We are interested in learning how stress affects young men’s psychological health but also what to hear about the things you find helpful to cope with stress. Along with the opportunity to have their voice heard, participants also learn new coping skills for managing stress and receive valuable information and knowledge through discussing the issues.

Join the team of Community Researchers!

The We Tell You project is currently recruiting young people from Manchester, male or female, between the ages of 18 – 26 who would enjoy being involved with this project. You will receive training to become a Community Researcher and work as part of a team within the local communities. The conclusion to the initial training includes a residential in London, to meet inspiring organisations and individuals that focus on working with and developing young people.

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